Before explaining anything about the HDHMR board, let me tell you, that this is an upgraded version of plywood. Nowadays, buyers use this HDHMR board for many indoor and outdoor purposes. 



In this blog, we will discuss everything about the HDHMR board and How to maintain the HDHMR board furniture?

So, without any delay, let’s get started!

What is the HDHMR board?

HDHMR board is a High-Density High Moisture Resistance board and is very popular with buyers who need the ply to resist moisture degradation while also being strong and dense. HDHMR comes from rugged, durable plywood that resists water.  Because of that quality, buyers prefer to choose HDHMR boards.

These boards are generally used for making doors and windows, where a high chance of moisture exists, aside from these, many other things like tables, cupboards, kitchen shutters, and so on are made of this plywood.

The water resistance of this plywood makes it popular with quality buyers. This plywood gives houses an appealing look because of its shiny surface and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

They always wanted to maintain the beauty of the plywood. So here we are to help you out with this situation. 

How to maintain the HDHMR board furniture?

To maintain the quality of the HDHMR board furniture, you need to do the following:

1. The best way to clean

You can clean this board by using lukewarm water. Avoid soaking the plywood or else it can destroy the finish of the plywood. Don’t use chemical water to clean HDHMR board furniture.  Otherwise, it will react to the chemical properties of polish.

2. To avoid scratches

In order, to avoid scratches, it’s better to use non-stick utensils and any other alternative that helps to protect against scratches.

3.  Try not to rub

To maintain the quality of the HDHMR board, don’t rub it. Clean it with a soft feather-duster or lamb-wool duster.

4. Apply wax

After cleaning it properly, apply a soft wax on the HDHMR board furniture to maintain the quality of the polish.

5. Keep away from the sun 

Try to keep your HDHMR furniture away from the sun. Otherwise, the heat of the sun can burn the polish.

6. To remove the spot 

To remove the spots from the furniture, apply non-gel toothpaste or mild soap mixed with the baking soda.

Above mentioned tips will help you to maintain the quality of HDHMR board furniture. 

Advantages of HDHMR board 

Earlier, plywood was most commonly used for furniture and outdoor purposes. But nowadays, HDHMR boards are popularly used by buyers for kitchen shutters, cabinets, cupboards and outdoor purposes. 

Here are some of the advantages of HDHMRboards

  1. Low maintenance

When your furniture is made with HDHMR ply, you don’t have to worry about preserving its quality. Just dampen it with lukewarm water to keep it in good condition. 

  1. Water-resistant

HDHMR boards are most popular because of their waterproof quality. If you live in a humid area, then HDHMR ply would be the best choice for you because the surface of HDHMR boards will not start peeling off even in the presence of constant moisture. For HDHMR ply, a special glue made of agricultural wood waste particles is used to prevent the boards from absorbing water.

  1. Termite free

There is a problem with termites in normal plywood. But with HDHMR boards, you don’t need to worry about termites anymore. HDHMR boards are crafted with the pressing technique which improves the board or sheet density, in such a way that it eliminates waste items that can attract termites.

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Disadvantages of HDHMR board

Apart from these, advantages there are a few disadvantages of HDHMR boards too as follows:

  • HDHMR ply is heavier than compare to any other plywood. Therefore, it is difficult to give it structure and shape, especially if you do it yourself.
  • Some HDHMR boards can bend and lose their shape over time.

Final words

HDHMR boards are a relatively new material. Because of the quality and advantages of this board or sheet. In addition to carpenters, there is now a recommendation for this material among their clients. Therefore, you can find this board or sheet at an affordable price at AK plywood. Get in touch with us to know more about it.

Dr Prashanth MA
Director at AK Group/Apple Plywood | + posts

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