Due to its widespread use, people have developed many variants of plywood that differ in terms of kind, grade, thickness, and size. Two very popular variants are BWP and BWR plywood. And knowing the difference between BWP and BWR plywood will help you select the suitable material for your furniture project.

So, to assist you in choosing the right plywood, we’ll take a look at the difference between BWP and BWR plywood.

Let’s jump right in.

What Is the Difference Between BWP and BWR Plywood? 

The difference between BWP and BWR plywood has to do with the objective of the products. They are government grading standards given to differentiate each product.

BWP (boiling water proof) is a grade given to mark ply and blockboards. BWR (boiling water resistant) is a grade given to manufacturing plywood.

To better understand the difference between BWP and BWR plywood, we need to look at the differences between blockboards and plywood.

Blockboard versus Plywood

It’s important to understand that blockboard and plywood are different products of wood.

Plywood is widely used for most interior design projects or any furniture building project, whereas blockboards serve more specific purposes.

Blockboards are made of softwood wooden strips, whereas plywood is made by applying incredible pressure on wood. Both of these woods serve different purposes and have different qualities.

Technically, there’s not much of a difference between BWP and BWR. The desired outcome is the same — to make a piece of wood as waterproof as possible. The only real difference is their use.

The cost difference between BWP and BWR plywood is not much, but BWP tends to be on the higher side.

Let’s take a look at the differences between the two. 

Features of BWP Quality Blockboard

A blockboard with a BWP certification comes with numerous qualities that make it one of the most sought-after products. Here are some of them:

  • BWP blockboards are made by glueing three to four veneer sheets with phenolic and melamine glue.
  • They’re sensitive to moisture, but with BWP treatments, they turn out to be highly resistant to water exposure. 
  • High termite and pest resistance make these block boards a desirable choice for interiors as well.
  • Heavy resistance to water and pests makes BWP-grade block boards perfect for all weather conditions.

Features of BWR Plywood

BWR plywood is the most widely used engineered wood in the interior design market for the following reasons:

  • It’s more malleable (can be bent into different shapes)
  • It doesn’t warp.
  • It has zero surface core gaps.
  • It’s mostly used for interiors with high humidity, like kitchens, bathrooms, and steam rooms.

Uses of BWP Blockboards and BWR Plywood

BWP Blockboards

When compared to BWR plywood, BWP is tougher, less flexible, and heavier, and it can withstand a serious amount of weight. It also has a higher termite resistance making it perfect for heavy-duty outdoor and indoor furniture. 

Due to their strength and non-flexibility, BWP blackboards are best for building patio furniture, doors and shelves in kitchens and bathrooms.

BWR Plywood

BWR plywood is comparatively cheaper and can be handled easily. It’s more malleable, affordable, and flexible (due to its slender style). Hence, they’re mostly used for interior and semi-outdoor works. Kitchen and bathroom cabinet doors, customized furniture, wall units, TV units, and shoe racks are often made out of BWR plywood.

Should I Choose BWP Plywood or BWR Plywood?

Well, this answer can be figured out by answering two questions.

  1. What do you want to build?
  2. What is your budget?

For anything that requires the furniture to be steady and combat weather swings, BWP blockboards are probably your best bet. Here’s how to identify BWP blockboards: you will have to look for its ISI specification number — IS:710.

BWP plywood is costlier than BWR plywood, which is why many homeowners might want to save money by choosing the former.

Let’s say a homeowner chooses to save money and goes for BWR plywood to make a kitchen shelf. They will soon find out that the BWR plywood being flexible and malleable, will bend under the weight and might even crack. 

In contrast, if a contractor wants to use BWP blockboards to create some piece of customized furniture, they will spend more money, effort, and time to manipulate and bend the tougher BWP blockboard.

So, it’s important to keep in mind the utility of these products when choosing the right wood for your project.

Why Choosing the Right Plywood Matters

While cost-saving is important, you shouldn’t sacrifice quality. As we discussed above, choosing the right plywood matters because it can help you save money and build high-quality furniture that’ll last a lifetime.

However, you also need to ensure that your plywood manufacturer is a trusted one. Many places sell low-quality plywood that won’t last long.
Head over to AK Plywoods to ensure that you pick top-quality plywood from the best manufacturers. As a quality-conscious manufacturer. We have placed ourselves as a trusted trademark of reliable and authentic plywood suppliers

Read More: Unlocking the Benefits of FSC-Certified Plywood in Sustainable Home Renovations

Dr Prashanth MA
Director at AK Group/Apple Plywood | + posts

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