Furnishing your new home is an opportunity to design a space in your image. Of course, you want to ensure that it aesthetically lives up to just how you imagined your dream home to be.

But keeping aesthetic qualities aside for a minute, there are many other considerations you must make while selecting certain products for your home, especially furniture.

The particleboards, hardwood, plywood, and other items you select must pass strict air quality rules and a plywood quality check. One of the most prominent standards accepted around the world is the CARB certified plywood.

What Is CARB Certified Plywood?

The California Air Resources Board, or CARB, started implementing more stringent air quality regulations for particleboard, MDF, and hardwood plywood in 2009. In fact, CARB is a worldwide recognised standard and has some of the world’s strictest regulations. The rule applies to all items made of composite wood products.

CARB is responsible for safeguarding the population from the detrimental impacts of air pollution as well as establishing programmes and activities to combat climate change. California has pioneered a variety of successful strategies that have set the benchmark for successful air and climate programmes for the US and the world, from standards for clean automobiles and fuels to embracing creative ways to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

The goal of CARB is to effectively reduce air pollution while acknowledging and taking into account its consequences on the economy. This will promote and protect public health, welfare, and ecological resources.

CARB is the principal agency for climate change initiatives and is responsible for overseeing all air pollution control efforts in California in order to achieve and maintain health-based air quality standards.

Read More : What Is Plywood And How To Choose Plywood For Furniture?

CARB Certification Requirements

The regulation restricts formaldehyde emissions in hardwood plywood, particle board, and medium-density fiberboard (MDF).

Manufacturers must pass regular quality control testing at manufacturing facilities and TPC inspections and testing every three months in order to get these certifications.

Benefits of CARB Certified Plywood

Manufacturers who receive this certification mark their panels as ‘CARB Phase 2 compliant’ as proof that they adhere to emission guidelines.

These are some of the benefits of plywood quality checks:

  • Manufacturers with CARB certified plywood are the safest option for kitchens, boards, and other furniture items, offering products that meet the strictest criteria to ensure minimum formaldehyde emissions.
  • These boards are of the highest quality possible while still being environmentally friendly (made with a substrate that emits little formaldehyde) thanks to improved eco-friendly resins and technologies.
  • CARB certification requirements ensure the product offers a better edge profile, surface smoothness, stability, strength, and reduced formaldehyde emissions, which assures a toxic-free atmosphere and guards against health risks brought on by it.

Read More : Teak Wood Vs Plywood: How Are They Different?

AK Ply is Now CARB Certified!

Certifications like CARB will soon be mandatory for the Indian wood panel industry as well.  Although the government body has not established such standards just yet, they are becoming increasingly crucial for end users who are aware of their significance. This is because wherever there are wood panel products, there are possible hazardous chemical emissions.

This has led to the Indian wood panel industry making serious considerations and seeking these certifications. And in keeping with that, AK Group’s plywood products are now officially CARB certified!

At AK Group’s Apple Ply, we offer the highest-quality, CARB certified plywood that also complies with E1 emission standards so you never have to worry about formaldehyde causing you any harm. 
So what are you waiting for? Let us help you with any plywood requirements. Reach out to us on our website right away!

Dr Prashanth MA
Director at AK Group/Apple Plywood | + posts

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