When you start closely observing the products that you use daily, you’ll find a small stamp that has the FSC label on it. The label can be found on items made from wood like panels & cabinets and also on non-timber products like latex & milk cartons. 

So what does FSC stand for? And what are FSC certified materials? 

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is a globally recognised non-profit organization that promotes environmentally responsible and socially beneficial forestry. The FSC certification is given to manufacturers who ensure that their products are made from materials provided by sustainably managed forests, and are recyclable. The timber from these forests is produced while paying heed to environmental, social and economic responsibilities. Meaning that the safe management of the forests along with the cultural needs of indigenous communities and workers are upheld. 

By purchasing your timber products from FSC certified plywood manufacturers and providers, you are promoting the responsible management of the world’s forests. Keep reading to learn more about the basics of FSC labels and what an FSC certification implies for wood products. 

The tests for getting the FSC stamps are extremely rigorous, but once the label is stamped on, it means the product along with the packaging and the tags are also sustainable and eco-friendly. FSC certified woods like plywoods have different compositions which include FSC 100%, FSC Mix and FSC Recycled. Below are different types of FSC compositions you can look for. 

FSC 100% Plywood

As the name suggests, the products with this stamp are entirely recyclable and are from FSC-certified and managed forests. This label complies with most of FSC’s mission and objectives. 

FSC MIX Plywood  

This is the most commonly seen label. Here the products are made from a mix of both FSC certified wood and Non-FSC certified wood. This label is given only if the non-FSC certified wood is acquired under certain controlled conditions. These conditions include – 

  • A prohibition from using illegally harvested wood 
  • Wood harvested in violation of traditional and civil rights 
  • Wood harvested in forests where genetically modified trees are planted, etc 

FSC Recycled Plywood 

Here, as the name implies, the products are made only by the use of recycled wood. The label is given once the FSC verifies that the product used is completely made of post-consumer or post-consumer reclaimed, recycled materials. 

As mentioned before, the tests to get FSC certification are extremely rigorous. Companies associated with the use of timber-related products must first meet the Chain of Custody Certification standard that is specified by the Forest Stewardship Council. Then, a third party is hired to inspect the forest-based materials used in production. If all the standards are met, the product will acquire the relevant stamp. It is important to note that if a product has the FSC label, it doesn’t mean that all the products produced by that company are FSC certified. Meaning, the label is given to individual products after inspection. 

Now that you’ve familiarized yourself with the FSC certifications and their different labels —  be on the lookout for this label on your next visit to a furniture store when looking to place orders to revamp your interior decor, or while suggesting products to your clients. Make sure you understand and control what kind of practices you pay for. When you, the customer, start buying from eco-conscious manufacturers the rest of the companies will also be encouraged to follow the best eco-friendly practices. 

Many companies in India are taking steps to ensure FSC certifications on their products. AK group’s Apple Plywood is one such company. We give great importance to keeping our company eco-friendly, hence we make sure all our timber purchases are FSC certified. If you have any questions or are looking to purchase any type of FSC certified plywood, reach out to a representative at AK Group’s Apple Plywood. We have the best products that are made from quality raw material! From plywoods to veneers, we’ve got it all. Get a free quotation now! 

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